I have not written anything on this blog since before summer, because I’ve been busy writing and editing the second edition of Solve Problems Together. It has been both a lot of fun and extremely frustrating trying to write new chapters and rewriting things I felt needed to be explained differently. Since I released the first edition I have been doing a lot of presentations and workshops on leading meetings that matter, and I have learnt a lot from all the questions and feedback I have received.


The new edition is not available to order yet, follow this blog or my facebook page to find out when it is ready to order.

There are five new parts to the book that I am extra proud of:

  • A better tool for setting a Meeting Focus for your meetings.
  • A meeting assessment to define what you need to focus more on during your meetings.
  • Some clear methods and guides for running the most common types of meetings in a good way. For example information meetings, decision meetings, and sync-meetings.
  • How to facilitate distributed meetings in a good way.
  • How you can change your meeting rooms to improve collaboration.

There is also new tips and methods in each chapter to help you lead more meetings that matter. During the next couple of weeks I will release the different tools on this website and some longer articles on how to use them.